Your Rights
Your Rights as a Client and Client Orientation Handbook (PDF)
Your “rights” are protected in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code (405ILCS5).
You have a right to:
- all constitutional/legal rights.
- all of your rights regardless of your sex, age, race, religion, color, creed, sexual orientation, financial status, disability or origin.
- and responsibility to actively participate in your treatment.
- keep your information and record private and confidential, except when we are required by law to provide information. This may happen when there is threatened harm to self or others or suspected/reported abuse or neglect. You will receive further information regarding these exceptions at your orientation. Otherwise, to release protected health information about you, we will complete and ask you to sign a release of information form.
- say yes or no regarding treatment recommendations/services.
- a safe environment and to be informed regarding the facility evacuation plan
- ask your therapist any questions regarding infection control practices.
- complain, in writing, and to have a response to that complaint.
- expect the Center to maintain a high standard of ethics in regard to you and your treatment.
- receive the least restrictive and individualized services/treatment.
- know of the qualifications of your therapist and the techniques or approaches used in your treatment, which will be explained to you by your assigned therapist.
- ask your therapist how you are doing in your course of treatment.
- know about the program hours of operation, services, and activities available to you and the cost of those services.
- know the rules and expectations of the therapist.
- know who to contact when you have questions, which is listed on page 3 of this handout.
- purchase services from private physicians and other mental health professionals.
- discontinue treatment or refuse specific services at any time (except those under court order) but we would appreciate you notifying us in advance so we can reschedule the time.
- be free from abuse and neglect, as well as know who to report concerns of abuse (physical injury, sexual, or mental injury), neglect, exploitation (someone taking unjust advantage of you financially or sexually for their own benefit or advantage) or humiliation (not treating you with respect and dignity).
- know that your therapist may choose to share your file with other professionals in the Center to gain advice from them in order to provide you with the best possible services.
- know that your therapist may recommend you work with a different therapist at the Center, but will only do so for good cause and after discussion with you. This includes immediate, pending, and potential future needs.
- participate in any research study with written informed consent. A specific “release of information” will also be required, in writing, to allow use and disclosure of any of your personal information for the research.
- not participate in any research study. This will not affect your treatment, payment, or enrollment in a health plan, or affect your eligibility for benefits.
- know that we may ask, at any time, how we are doing in providing you the care/services recommended.
- report when you feel any of your rights have been violated.
- offer suggestions and/or raise your concerns about our organization and that you can file a formal grievance if you are dissatisfied with services.
- know that you are free from retaliation (revenge) for exercising any of your rights and will not be denied, suspended, or terminated from services or have services reduced.
You are responsible for:
- for your health care.
- for your actions if you decide not to follow the health care provider’s instructions.
- to report any information about your condition, including changes in your health or reaction to medication.
- for following your treatment plan agreed upon by you and your health care provider.
- for your payments, to the best of your ability.
- to keep and show up on time for your appointments.
- not to bring firearms or weapons (including knives) to any Center location.
- not to bring any alcohol or illicit drugs to any Center location. Prescription medications should be brought in only if dose is packed and kept on your person.
- to be clean and sober when you come to any Center location.
- to follow health and safety practices.
- not to use any form of tobacco products while in any Center location.
- to wear appropriate dress while at any Center location.
When you come to the Center, you will receive an assessment for services. The purpose of this assessment is to determine the right services and programs to meet your needs. With the information you provide, you and our staff will determine how best to proceed with your treatment plan. We encourage the inclusion of family/significant others in treatment planning.
We want you to participate in determining your mental health problems and your treatment plan for those problems. If you have any questions about your diagnosis or treatment, please discuss them with your therapist or case manager.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment with a therapist/case manager, please call us at (309) 827-5351 as soon as possible.
We have trained staff that can treat most major mental and behavioral problems for individuals. Common problems that are treated can include (but are not exclusive) depression, anxiety, psychosis, and adjustment disorders.
We accept Medicaid (including Health Alliance, Molina, and Meridian) and Medicare. If you are not insured you still qualify for select services. Please call us at (309) 827-5351 for further information.
We are conveniently located in Downtown Bloomington at 108 W. Market St. There is limited on-street parking and free four-hour parking on the lower level of the parking garage located at the Southwest corner of Market and Center Streets.
Our current hours for clinicians are Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Treatment will focus on an Individual Treatment Plan, however with your permission family members and caregivers are able to participate. We do not provide Marriage Counseling.
If you are referred to and accepted to see a provider through our Medical Services program, you will have access to Center prescribed medications.
In general, we cannot share information about your treatment without your written permission; however, in certain circumstances, your information may be shared on a limited basis. These circumstances will be explained to you during your orientation as a client. Examples of times your information may be shared without your permission include (but are not limited to):
- You have a legal guardian
- You are in imminent danger to yourself or others